Our Services
Integrity Taxation offers complete financial support through an expert team you can trust to provide Taxation advice.
Our Services
Tax Services
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Tax Services
Our tax services cover the following areas:

Capital gains tax planning
If you or your client are concerned about paying large amounts of CGT then we can help you to plan for the future by setting out your options, then working with you on the action plan.
There are plenty of reliefs available within the tax system which can be very useful, but you will often need expertise such as ours on your side.

HMRC investigations
If you or your client are the subjects of an HMRC inquiry then we can deal with the matters under investigation with the aim of achieving the best possible result for the client. We can work with any existing advisers on the case.

Capital allowances claims
If you or your client are looking to ensure that the maximum amount of capital allowances has been obtained on the purchase of commercial property or plant and machinery, then we can help.

Research & Development Tax relief
Many business owners don’t believe the R&D incentive schemes apply to them. In reality, the definition of R&D for tax purposes covers a much broader range of activities than you might think, and it’s very likely that some of your everyday activity will qualify too. UK R&D incentives aren’t just for scientists in white lab coats, they’re designed to be applicable to all industries and sectors. Our R&D services ensure that you obtain the maximum amount of relief available.

Trusts and estate planning – inheritance tax
If you or your client want to plan to minimize the amount of inheritance tax that is payable on death then you need our trust and estate planning service. We will work with your other advisers to ensure you achieve the results you are looking for.

Tax planning and tax reviews
If you or your client are looking for the most tax efficient
way of doing things then we can help.
We provide innovative tax saving advice. We will set out all of your available options for your situation, discuss the pros and cons of each, and then work with you to action any plan that is decided upon.
Our Business Services
We provide the following business valuation and advisory services to you or your client:

Business valuations for probate purposes
When a business owner dies owning company shares or a business interest, we can provide a valuation for probate purposes.

Business valuations for commercial reasons
Our valuation work can also be used as part of contentious dispute resolution matters such as shareholder disputes, or non-contentious situations such as business restructuring, shareholder incentive schemes and keyman insurance.

Business valuations for matrimonial matters
Valuing company shares or valuing a business is a specialised skill, it involves much more than plugging in some numbers into a formula. We look beyond the business accounts when it comes to arriving at a valuation.
We can also provide opinion on the ability to extract funds from the business and the capital gains tax implications of a sale or transfer of business interests upon financial settlement. We can provide expert witness reports where required.

Contract disputes
We can provide expert input where there is a contractual dispute between two parties to a business transaction. We can provide expert witness reports where required.

Personal injury and fatal accident
We are able to quantify the loss of earnings incurred as a result of personal injury or fatal accidents. We can provide expert witness reports where required.

Forensic investigations
Our forensic accounting service covers the investigation into a wide area of financial matters. We can provide expert witness reports for use internally or externally. Areas covered include diversion of trade, business interruption and fraud investigation.
Property Services
Our Property services cover the following areas:

Capital allowances claims
If you or your client are looking to ensure that the maximum amount of capital allowances has been obtained on the purchase of commercial property or plant and machinery, then we can help.

Landlord’s tax service
If you or your client are a landlord then we can look after your ongoing tax affairs. Our sister company, Integrity Partnership, can also deal with bookkeeping, accounts software, payroll and accounts preparation for landlords.

Property portfolio tax planning
If you or your client are holding a portfolio of properties, then the chances are you could benefit from our property portfolio tax planning service.
Owning properties often brings all of the major direct and indirect taxes into play, such as income tax, corporation tax, capital gains tax, inheritance tax, VAT and stamp duty land tax. We can help you pick your way through this taxation maze and make sure your tax affairs are set up as efficiently as possible.

Trusts and estate planning – inheritance tax
If you or your client are holding a portfolio of properties and want to plan to minimize the amount of inheritance tax that is payable on death then you need our trust and estate planning service. We will work with your other advisers to ensure you achieve the results you are looking for.

Capital gains tax planning
If you or your client are holding a portfolio of properties and want to plan to minimize the amount of inheritance tax that is payable on death then you need our trust and estate planning service.
We will work with your other advisers to ensure you achieve the results you are looking for.